O grande potencial de uma pequena manhã de sábado. / Great potential on a small Saturday morning.
No último sabado, dia 08 de julho, eu tive uma certeza: cada momento com meu Si Fu é sempre um momento novo e especial. E só aumenta, para mim, a importância de estar ao lado do meu mestre.
Eu não estava muito animado para este dia, afinal, fortes dores na minha coluna (região lombar) estavam me limitando fisicamente e na sexta-feira a noite pensei em não ir ao café da manhã e posteriormente ao Mo Gum no sábado. Felizmente, resisti às dores e no dia seguinte, as 7:00h da manhã lá estava eu, cheio de dores, mancando e com dificuldades até para encontrar uma posição para sentar; junto de meu Si Fu e meu irmão kung fu Keith Markus tomando café da manhã.
Si Fu logo quis saber como eu estava me sentindo e ao ouvir e perceber meu estado físico (e até psicológico) ele me disse: "vamos aproveitar a manhã de uma outra maneira, que não exija seu esforço físico, tudo bem?". E assim teve início uma das manhãs de sábado imensamente produtiva.
Last Saturday, July 8th, I had a certainty: every moment with my Si Fu is always a new and special moment. And it only increases for me the importance of being with my master.
I was not very excited for this day, after all, severe pains in my spinal column were limiting me physically and on Friday night I thought about not going to breakfast and later to Mo Gum on Saturday. Fortunately, I resisted the pain and the next day, 7:00 a.m. there I was, full of pain, limping and difficult even to find a position to sit; Along with my Si Fu and my kung fu brother Keith Markus having breakfast.
Si Fu soon wanted to know how I was feeling and to hear and realize my physical (and even psychological) state he told me: "Let's enjoy the morning in a different way, that does not require your physical effort, okay?" And so began one of the immensely productive Saturday mornings.
Last Saturday, July 8th, I had a certainty: every moment with my Si Fu is always a new and special moment. And it only increases for me the importance of being with my master.
I was not very excited for this day, after all, severe pains in my spinal column were limiting me physically and on Friday night I thought about not going to breakfast and later to Mo Gum on Saturday. Fortunately, I resisted the pain and the next day, 7:00 a.m. there I was, full of pain, limping and difficult even to find a position to sit; Along with my Si Fu and my kung fu brother Keith Markus having breakfast.
Si Fu soon wanted to know how I was feeling and to hear and realize my physical (and even psychological) state he told me: "Let's enjoy the morning in a different way, that does not require your physical effort, okay?" And so began one of the immensely productive Saturday mornings.
Este é o local onde, normalmente, os sábados se iniciam. A padaria Rainha do Méier é um espaço onde eu já tive vários momentos compartilhados com meu Si Fu, meus irmãos kung fu e meus Si Suk.
This is where Saturdays usually begin. The Queen of Meier bakery is a space where I have had several times shared with my Si Fu, my brothers kung fu and my Si Suk.
Terminado o café e chegando ao Mo Gum, eu, Si Fu e Markus, tivemos uma breve conversa (que agora eu não me recordo exatamente sobre o que foi) e logo chegaram os primeiros praticantes do dia (eu e Markus estávamos responsáveis pela condução das práticas neste dia). A pedido de meu Si Fu, eu acompanhei e orientei as práticas sentado em uma cadeira. Uma manhã que transcorreu sem problemas.
After breakfast and arriving at Mo Gum, I, Si Fu and Markus, had a brief conversation (which I now do not remember exactly what it was) and soon the first practitioners of the day arrived (me and Markus were responsible for Practice on this day). At the request of my Si Fu, I accompanied and guided the practices sitting on a chair. One morning that went smoothly.
After breakfast and arriving at Mo Gum, I, Si Fu and Markus, had a brief conversation (which I now do not remember exactly what it was) and soon the first practitioners of the day arrived (me and Markus were responsible for Practice on this day). At the request of my Si Fu, I accompanied and guided the practices sitting on a chair. One morning that went smoothly.
Foto de uma prática coletiva coordenada por mim, a pedido de meu Si Fu.
Photo of a collective practice coordinated by me, at the request of my Si Fu.
Com o término das práticas daquela manhã, Si Fu, eu e Markus fomos almoçar, em um simpático restaurante do Méier. É interessante destacar, que durante o almoço, a comida foi uma mero detalhe. Conversamos sobre várias coisas: kung fu e outras artes marciais, futebol, dietas, entre outros assuntos. Em um dado momento, a conversa entrou em um tom mais sério e Si Fu começou a falar sobre assuntos relacionados à gestão do nosso Mo Gum. E foi durante esta conversa que eu recebi o convite para ser o responsável pela coordenação da prática semanal Estudo de Combate, agora realizada nas noites de quarta-feira.
With the end of the practices of that morning, Si Fu, I and Markus went to lunch, in a friendly restaurant in the Méier. It is interesting to note that during lunch, the food was a mere detail. We talked about various things: kung fu and other martial arts, soccer, diets, among other subjects. At some point the conversation came in a more serious tone and Si Fu started talking about issues related to the management of our Mo Gum. And it was during this conversation that I received the invitation to be responsible for coordinating the weekly Combat Study practice, now held on Wednesday nights.
With the end of the practices of that morning, Si Fu, I and Markus went to lunch, in a friendly restaurant in the Méier. It is interesting to note that during lunch, the food was a mere detail. We talked about various things: kung fu and other martial arts, soccer, diets, among other subjects. At some point the conversation came in a more serious tone and Si Fu started talking about issues related to the management of our Mo Gum. And it was during this conversation that I received the invitation to be responsible for coordinating the weekly Combat Study practice, now held on Wednesday nights.
Meu Si Fu, Thiago Pereira em Paris. A habilidade de encontrar possibilidades em meio a situações adversas é algo que eu admiro muito em meu mestre.
My Si Fu, Thiago Pereira in Paris. The ability to find possibilities amid adverse situations is something that I admire very much in my master.
Fui pego de surpresa. Apesar de eu ser um fã de técnicas, posições e práticas, jamais imaginei que um dia pudesse vir a ser o responsável pela condução de uma atividade aberta a todos os praticantes, de diferentes níveis onde é possível abordar diferentes situações, cenários e propostas voltadas ao combate. Confesso que no início resisti um pouco, talvez por um pouco de medo, talvez por excesso de preocupação, mas ali eu estava recebendo a confiança de meu Si Fu e também um incentivo por parte de meu irmão kung. Eu aceitei o convite, certo de que esta será uma etapa onde meu kung fu poderá evoluir bastante.
I was taken by surprise. Although I am a fan of techniques, positions and practices, I never imagined that one day I could be responsible for conducting an activity open to all practitioners, at different levels where it is possible to approach different situations, scenarios and proposals aimed at the combat. I confess that at first I resisted a little, perhaps for a little fear, perhaps out of concern, but here I was receiving the trust of my Si Fu and also an encouragement from my kung brother. I accepted the invitation, sure that this will be a stage where my kung fu can evolve a lot.
I was taken by surprise. Although I am a fan of techniques, positions and practices, I never imagined that one day I could be responsible for conducting an activity open to all practitioners, at different levels where it is possible to approach different situations, scenarios and proposals aimed at the combat. I confess that at first I resisted a little, perhaps for a little fear, perhaps out of concern, but here I was receiving the trust of my Si Fu and also an encouragement from my kung brother. I accepted the invitation, sure that this will be a stage where my kung fu can evolve a lot.
Nesta foto, meu Si Fu, Thiago Pereira à esquerda e meu Si Gung, Julio Camacho à direita. Hoje, ao me encontrar em situações complicadas, ou mesmo em situações onde é muito mais fácil para mim dizer que não é possível, eu me lembro constantemente desses dois. Muitas vezes por medo, irritação ou mesmo acomodação, muitas pessoas procuram motivos para justificar sua falta de atitude ao invés de buscar caminhos que nos levem a tomar atitude correta.
In this photo, my Si Fu, Thiago Pereira on the left and my Si Gung, Julio Camacho on the right. Today, when I find myself in complicated situations, or even in situations where it is much easier for me to say that it is not possible, I constantly remember these two. Often from fear, irritation or even accommodation, many people look for reasons to justify their lack of attitude rather than looking for ways that lead us to take correct action.
Em uma manhã que tinha tudo para ser monótona caso eu optasse por ficar em casa, acabou sendo muito rica com conteúdo, surpresas e desafios, acabou sendo uma manhã com muito kung fu. Torço para que muitas manhãs como aquela, ainda estejam por vir.
On a morning that had everything to be monotonous in case I chose to stay at home, ended up being very rich with content, surprises and challenges, ended up being a morning with much kung fu. I hope so many mornings like that, are still to come.
On a morning that had everything to be monotonous in case I chose to stay at home, ended up being very rich with content, surprises and challenges, ended up being a morning with much kung fu. I hope so many mornings like that, are still to come.
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