Bruce Lee "visita" o Núcleo Méier da Moy Yat Ving Tsun Martial Intelligence / Bruce Lee "visits" the Méier Nucleus of Moy Yat Ving Tsun Martial Intelligence
No último dia 27 de julho, meu Si Fu apresentou uma palestra sobre a vida e a obra de Bruce Lee no Ving Tsun. O evento criado pelo meu
Mestre, que teve grande sucesso, atraiu muitos praticantes e até pessoas que
nunca praticaram o Ving Tsun, que estavam ali por gostarem não só de artes
marciais, mas por serem simpatizantes do “Pequeno Dragão”. A figura de Bruce
Lee ainda é muito presente na memória de muitas pessoas e, este evento provou
Na verdade, a noite começou bem antes da palestra. Cheguei ao Mo Gum cerca de duas horas antes do início do evento. O meu pensamento era: chegar mais cedo e preparar o espaço para receber os convidados que iriam chegar. Quando entrei no Mo Gum, meus irmãos kung fu Luis Felipe e Caroline já estavam lá e Si Fu começou a nos contar o planejamento da palestra. Menos de meia hora após a minha chegada e durante a conversa com Si Fu, a campainha da sala tocou, as primeiras pessoas começavam a chegar (com mais de uma hora antes do início da palestra); não demorou muito até que outros também chegassem. Como todos os que haviam chegado eram praticantes, Si Fu propôs que praticássemos e todos aceitaram prontamente. Si Fu me pediu para coordenar a prática e assim eu fiz até minutos antes da palestra ter início.
On July 27, my Si Fu presented a lecture on the life and work of Bruce Lee in Ving Tsun. The event, created by my successful Master, attracted many practitioners and even people who never practiced Ving Tsun, who were there because they liked not only the martial arts, but also because they were sympathetic to the Little Dragon. The Bruce Lee figure is still very much in the memory of many people, and this event proved it.
In fact, the night started well before the talk. I arrived at Mo Gum about two hours before the start of the event. My thought was: to arrive earlier and prepare the space to receive the guests that would arrive. When I entered Mo Gum, my kung fu brothers Luis Felipe and Caroline were already there and Si Fu began to tell us the planning of the talk. Less than half an hour after my arrival and during the conversation with Si Fu, the room bell rang, the first people were starting to arrive (more than an hour before the start of the talk); It was not long before others arrived, too. Since all who had arrived were practitioners, Si Fu proposed that we practice and all accepted promptly. Si Fu asked me to coordinate the practice and so I did until minutes before the lecture began.
Na verdade, a noite começou bem antes da palestra. Cheguei ao Mo Gum cerca de duas horas antes do início do evento. O meu pensamento era: chegar mais cedo e preparar o espaço para receber os convidados que iriam chegar. Quando entrei no Mo Gum, meus irmãos kung fu Luis Felipe e Caroline já estavam lá e Si Fu começou a nos contar o planejamento da palestra. Menos de meia hora após a minha chegada e durante a conversa com Si Fu, a campainha da sala tocou, as primeiras pessoas começavam a chegar (com mais de uma hora antes do início da palestra); não demorou muito até que outros também chegassem. Como todos os que haviam chegado eram praticantes, Si Fu propôs que praticássemos e todos aceitaram prontamente. Si Fu me pediu para coordenar a prática e assim eu fiz até minutos antes da palestra ter início.
On July 27, my Si Fu presented a lecture on the life and work of Bruce Lee in Ving Tsun. The event, created by my successful Master, attracted many practitioners and even people who never practiced Ving Tsun, who were there because they liked not only the martial arts, but also because they were sympathetic to the Little Dragon. The Bruce Lee figure is still very much in the memory of many people, and this event proved it.
In fact, the night started well before the talk. I arrived at Mo Gum about two hours before the start of the event. My thought was: to arrive earlier and prepare the space to receive the guests that would arrive. When I entered Mo Gum, my kung fu brothers Luis Felipe and Caroline were already there and Si Fu began to tell us the planning of the talk. Less than half an hour after my arrival and during the conversation with Si Fu, the room bell rang, the first people were starting to arrive (more than an hour before the start of the talk); It was not long before others arrived, too. Since all who had arrived were practitioners, Si Fu proposed that we practice and all accepted promptly. Si Fu asked me to coordinate the practice and so I did until minutes before the lecture began.
Capa do filme Operação Dragão (1973), estrelado por Bruce Lee. Um dos primeiro filmes de artes marciais que assisti.
Cover of the movie "Enter The Dragon" (1973), starring Bruce Lee. One of the first martial arts movies I watched.
Cover of the movie "Enter The Dragon" (1973), starring Bruce Lee. One of the first martial arts movies I watched.
Especialmente para mim, este era um momento onde o
sentimento nostálgico surgiu dentro de mim. Ao ouvir meu Si Fu discorrer sobre
o tema, falar sobre os filmes e a vida de Bruce Lee, eu me lembrei de quando
era uma criança e do quanto eu gostava de assistir filmes de luta, ao lado de
meu pai (na época, assistíamos sempre filmes de ação policial ou filme de
luta). Lembro como se fosse hoje, o primeiro filme que assisti protagonizado
por Bruce Lee: O Voo do Dragão. Neste filme, que eu considero um clássico dois
momentos me marcam até hoje: a luta final contra o ainda desconhecido Chuck
Norris e uma cena na metade do filme, onde Bruce Lee após golpear alguns
adversários, exclama a seguinte frase: “O pequeno dragão segue o seu caminho. E
revida com a sua cauda.” Para mim, essa é uma das frases mais icônicas que ouvi
em filmes de ação e artes marciais e ouvi-la me tornou um fã.
Me recordo também da época em que eu brincava com meus
amigos nas ruas de Honório Gurgel, bairro da Zona Norte do Rio de Janeiro, onde
fui criado e vivi até os meus 29 anos. Quando era anunciado na tv a transmissão
de algum filme de Bruce Lee, ou quando alguém alugava um dos filmes do “Dragão”
em alguma locadora de vídeo, ficávamos na rua comentando as principais cenas
dos filmes.
Especially for me, this was a moment where the nostalgic feeling arose within me. As I listened to my Si Fu talk about the subject, talk about the films and the life of Bruce Lee, I remembered when I was a child and how much I enjoyed watching fight movies, next to my father (at the time, we watched Always action movies or fight movie). I remember as it was today, the first movie I watched starring Bruce Lee: "The Way Of The Dragon". In this film, which I consider a classic two moments mark me to this day: the final fight against the still unknown Chuck Norris and a scene in the middle of the film, where Bruce Lee after striking some opponents, exclaims the following sentence: "The little dragon follows your way. And back off with his tail. "To me, this is one of the most iconic phrases I've heard in action movies and martial arts and hearing it has made me a fan.
I also remember the time when I played with my friends in the streets of Honório Gurgel, a neighborhood in the Northern Zone of Rio de Janeiro, where I was raised and lived until I was 29 years old. When a Bruce Lee movie was broadcast on TV, or when someone rented one of the "Dragon" movies at a video store, we would be in the street commenting on the main scenes of the films.
Especially for me, this was a moment where the nostalgic feeling arose within me. As I listened to my Si Fu talk about the subject, talk about the films and the life of Bruce Lee, I remembered when I was a child and how much I enjoyed watching fight movies, next to my father (at the time, we watched Always action movies or fight movie). I remember as it was today, the first movie I watched starring Bruce Lee: "The Way Of The Dragon". In this film, which I consider a classic two moments mark me to this day: the final fight against the still unknown Chuck Norris and a scene in the middle of the film, where Bruce Lee after striking some opponents, exclaims the following sentence: "The little dragon follows your way. And back off with his tail. "To me, this is one of the most iconic phrases I've heard in action movies and martial arts and hearing it has made me a fan.
I also remember the time when I played with my friends in the streets of Honório Gurgel, a neighborhood in the Northern Zone of Rio de Janeiro, where I was raised and lived until I was 29 years old. When a Bruce Lee movie was broadcast on TV, or when someone rented one of the "Dragon" movies at a video store, we would be in the street commenting on the main scenes of the films.
Todos atentos as palavras de Si Fu, durante a palestra.
All attentive to the words of Si Fu, during the lecture.
Com o núcleo Méier cheio de pessoas, praticantes e não
praticantes de kung fu, Si Fu conduziu a palestra com maestria e, sem dúvidas,
a parte principal da noite, em que foi possível notar sorrisos e sussurros das
pessoas presentes foi quando Si Fu começou a mostrar seu acervo pessoal de
materiais sobre Bruce Lee. Artigos, revistas, fotografias, e um par luvas que
Bruce Lee usou nas gravações de um de seus filmes. Todos queriam tocar e tirar
fotos com as luvas de Bruce Lee. Além disso, outra parte da palestra em que
todos ficaram superatentos foi a da relação de Bruce Lee com o Ving Tsun, com
seu mestre Ip Man e com seu Si Hing Wong Shun Leung.
With the core Méier full of people, practitioners and non-kung fu practitioners, Si Fu conducted the lecture with mastery and without doubt the main part of the night, where it was possible to notice smiles and whispers of the people present was when Si Fu began To showcase his personal collection of materials on Bruce Lee. Articles, magazines, photographs, and a couple of gloves that Bruce Lee used in the recordings of one of his films. Everyone else wanted to touch and take pictures with Bruce Lee's gloves. In addition, another part of the talk in which everyone was overrated was Bruce Lee's relationship with Ving Tsun, his master Ip Man, and his Si Hing Wong Shun Leung .
With the core Méier full of people, practitioners and non-kung fu practitioners, Si Fu conducted the lecture with mastery and without doubt the main part of the night, where it was possible to notice smiles and whispers of the people present was when Si Fu began To showcase his personal collection of materials on Bruce Lee. Articles, magazines, photographs, and a couple of gloves that Bruce Lee used in the recordings of one of his films. Everyone else wanted to touch and take pictures with Bruce Lee's gloves. In addition, another part of the talk in which everyone was overrated was Bruce Lee's relationship with Ving Tsun, his master Ip Man, and his Si Hing Wong Shun Leung .
Bruce Lee e seu Mestre Ip Man em uma demonstração de Chi Sau.
Bruce Lee and his Master Ip Man in a demonstration of Chi Sau.
Bruce Lee and his Master Ip Man in a demonstration of Chi Sau.
Wong Shun Leung.
Wong Shun Leung.
Wong Shun Leung.
A palestra terminou com todos muito satisfeitos e emocionados. Ao terminarmos de arrumar tudo, eu, Si Fu e outros irmãos kung fu saímos para jantar e conversar sobre tudo e como havia sido a noite para cada um. Resumindo em uma única palavra: inesquecível!
Abaixo, eu compartilho algumas fotos desta noite marcante no Núcleo Méier, da Moy Yat Ving Tsun Martial Intelligence:
The talk ended with everyone very pleased and excited. When we finished packing everything, I, Si Fu and other kung fu brothers went out to dinner and talk about everything and how it had been the night for each one. Summing up in one word: unforgettable!
Below, I share some photos of this remarkable night in the Méier Nucleus of Moy Yat Ving Tsun Martial Intelligence:
Abaixo, eu compartilho algumas fotos desta noite marcante no Núcleo Méier, da Moy Yat Ving Tsun Martial Intelligence:
The talk ended with everyone very pleased and excited. When we finished packing everything, I, Si Fu and other kung fu brothers went out to dinner and talk about everything and how it had been the night for each one. Summing up in one word: unforgettable!
Below, I share some photos of this remarkable night in the Méier Nucleus of Moy Yat Ving Tsun Martial Intelligence:
Prática, coordenada por mim, realizada antes da palestra.
Practice, coordinated by me, held before the lecture.
Registro do momento em que Si Fu comentou sobre a relação de Bruce Lee com seu Si Hing Wong Shun Leung.
Record of the moment Si Fu commented on the relationship of Bruce Lee with his Si Hing Wong Shun Leung.
Parte introdutória da palestra.
Introductory part of the lecture.
Foto oficial do evento.
Official event photo.
Jantar após a palestra.
Dinner after the lecture.
Sim, meus amigos! Essas luvas seguradas por mim foram usadas por Bruce Lee no filme "Operação Dragão".
Yes, my friends! These gloves insured by me were used by Bruce Lee in the movie "Operation Dragon".
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